This article details the functionality of the scheduling module.
General information
A new major feature is now available on the Wattsense console through the two new products Tower Control and Bridge Control. This functionality allows weekly time programming and offers the possibility of defining the occupancy schedule of your building.
Here is a basic example scenario that can be easily programmed : different setpoints are assigned depending on the occupancy of the room :
Of course, the Wattsense module allows to create much more complex configurations, with more slots, more slot types in association with all kinds of writable properties.
For more information, you can use the following links :
Know more about the Wattsense Control Range
Visit our product page for detailed features and pricing information
Without the control range, you will be able to access the creation of weekly schedules but you will not be able to associate properties with them or therefore specify setpoint values. |
How to program a schedule ?
In the Wattsense console, in the configuration tab, select the Scheduling button.
Below the short demo video that demonstrates the functionality, click "Create your first schedule" to start the programming sequence :
General information settings
First of all, fill in the fields Name and Description of the schedule. Then select the Box timezone. This point is important as the schedule will run according to the local time defined in the box.
A notification appears if the time zone indicated in the field above does not match the box internal time zone.
Slot settings
It is now a matter of specifying how the value of the properties of the equipment will be set depending on the day and time of day.
The first step consists of defining “status” periods (e.g. a building is occupied or not).
To complete this programming table, a complete weekly calendar is displayed :
Click on the day card (ex Monday) to define the schedule :
Select the time slot (from start time to end time) and specify the type of this period. Several slots can be added to a day (by clicking on the + button at the end of the line).
The types themselves can also be customized (click the "Occupied" button in this example)
You can custom the type labels as well as the associated colors.
Once you have defined the slots for a day, you can duplicate them on other days using the copy button :
You must also specify the default status type that will be applied outside the specified slots.
Then click on the next button to access the properties and setpoints configuration.
Exceptions settings
In addition to the classic calendar, you can add exceptions, for example bank holidays or any other exceptional events.
To add an exception, click on the "Add exception" button, and fill in the parameters :
You can specify in single slot type : it will be applied during all the exception period. Or you can specify multiple slots for the period :
Please note that exceptions are shared across all schedules in your box, this means that you do not need to recreate exception configurations for each schedule, you can reuse an existing template. All exceptions are listed in the screen below. So you just need to select the exception schedule you need. It will be applied to your current schedule.
Properties settings
The next step is to associate the property values with the time slot type. Click on Select properties :
The following page presents all the equipment connected to the box.
1) You can filter on device name
2) You can filter on property names
Then select the properties that will be modified according to the schedule (Only writable properties are displayed in this list).
The last step is to define the values of these properties for each slot. Slots types are displayed in the table header :
You can also specify the application period for each setpoint : click on the label "All year" if you want to modify the default parameters :
then choose "Specific Period" and click on "Select date range"
To select a period in the calendar form, first click on the first day, then Shift+click on the last day of the period.
A small bulk edit feature is also available to modify multiple setpoints simultaneously : select the properties via their check boxes (1) and click on the action button / Modify setpoint values (2)
Fill in the setpoint values :
The properties are updated :
Once the fields are filled, you can save the schedule :
and send it to the box :
If the operation is successful, the following message is displayed :
The mains page lists all the existing schedules :
From this page, you can activate the schedule (enable button), modify the calendar and the properties, but also duplicate the schedule.
The planner can also be viewed in calendar format (Calendar View button)
If the box starts in the middle of a slot (e.g. Monday 11:00 a.m. in our example), the instructions are automatically sent without waiting for the next slot. |
If you need any additional information, please contact us here.