This article is about archives.
The Archive feature will offer you the possibility to get your data older than 30 days.
First of all go on the Archive Tab:
On this tab, you'll have the possibility to check the history of your Archive requests and request a new archive request.
(1) : Click on the "Request an Archive" button to request your data.
(2) : You'll be able to select the date range of your Archive request
(3) : You'll be able to perform a Data Transformation, basically to calculate a weekly difference or a monthly difference that's equivalent to calculate a comsuption over a period of time.
For example with Weekly Schedule : You'll have the result of the last value of the week minus the last value of the previous week.
Same process with monthly.
(4) : Choice of the Archive format between (JSON or .xlsx)
(5) : Choice to group data by: DAY or MONTH
-> Day: you'll receive one file per day.
-> Day: you'll receive one file per day.
-> Month: you'll receive one file per month.
(6) : You'll be able to select the properties you want to get the Archive, it could be All properties or a choice of your own.
(7) : Select here the email address you want to send the request.
Once done, wait for your Archive request. It will be send by email to the address selected.
This feature is only available for Wattsense Tower version.
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