This article explains how to program a BACnet scheduler with the Wattsense Console.
Some BACnet equipments have schedulers. It is now possible to program them directly from the Wattsense console. The scheduler is stored in the BACnet device (not embedded in the Box) and allows specific values to be sent to other BACnet equipments according to a defined schedule map.
Case study :
- 3 BACnet devices are connected on a network. Equipment 3 holds a scheduler property which will be linked to 2 properties (targets) from the 2 other equipments.
Note that the scheduler is based on the reference time of the master BACnet device (Equipment 3 in our example). |
Bacnet properties info for example:
Object instance : 1 // PropertyId : 88 // Object Type : 17
How to proceed ?
First of all, use the Bacnet Scan in order to scan the network and get these properties.
Then in the Wattsense Console (Live data Tab), click on the modification button of the BACnet schedule property :
The scheduler configuration is splitted into 3 Tabs :
• Target
• General Settings
• Schedule
These 3 tabs are by default pre-populated with the scheduler configuration stored on the device. These informations were retrieved during the scan.
(In our example, the target property = objectInstance:1-objectType:17-propertyId:88).
To add a new target property (Several properties can be added), just click in the field “properties targeted by the scheduler”
This targets properties would be monitored by the Bacnet Scheduler.
Then select the properties from the list (only BACnet items will be displayed because they will be monitored by a BACnet device).
Properties are grouped by equipments. It may happen that a group named “Not In configuration” appears in this list. |
In this case, It means that the scheduler is already programmed and the target device / property is not known in the Wattsense application (missing BACnet scan or property not imported)
General Settings
The General Settings allow you configure the priority, the object type, the default value and the effective period :
Priority level : (from 1 to 16) sets by the programmer to prioritize the command controls. | |
Object type : (unsigned / real / enumated). |
In this page you would be able to program your scheduler.
You can associate specific values with time slots and specify how the scheduler behaves troughout the week. The programming table of one day can be duplicated for the other days of the week.
Send the scheduler to the BACnet device
Click on the Save button to validate the modifications. You will have the message :
If you need any additional information, please contact us here.