Virtual properties let users calculate indicators from existing properties. This article explains how to create them.
Please note that this functionnality is for the moment only available for calculation of consumption. It is intented for Towers only. The virtual properties are available from the Wattsense Console and the cloud (they are not available from the device itself meaning, they can't be used/redirected on gateways). |
For example : this kind of property can display a hourly, daily, weekly or monthly consumption of one building instead of the real time (index) consumption.
The value of a virtual property is updated as soon as a new value for the underlying property is received. This to see the current consumption alongside the consumption of the period before.
Consumption virtual properties can be applied to electric power data, water flow, gas flow …
They can be displayed in graphs, and used to create alarms.
How to proceed ?
In the Wattsense console, go to the Virtual properties Tab, and click on the Create a virtual property button.
Fill in the fields as follows :
1 - For the moment, only Calculate a consumption is available.
2 - Choose a name for the virtual property
3 -Select an existing property of an equipement
4 - Choose the computing interval (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly). See the note below to understand how the periods are taken into account.
5 - Specify the scaling if necessary. This function can be useful if the value of the difference between to properties is not meaningful in the unit’s origin.
6 - In this case above, it can be interesting to change also the original unit.
7 - Use Create another virtual property after this one chekbox to add a new property which will be prefilled by all the parameters of the previous one.
Then use the button Save to finalize the adding.
The new property appears in the listing, then Save changes to send the information to the console Wattsense.
Once the virtual properties are created, they all appear in the listing of the Virtual properties Tab.
From this page, you can modify, duplicate or delete the property.
You can only modify the name and the description of the property, the rest of the fields are not available for editing. If you want to change the interval for example, you will have to delete the property and recreate it. |
Intervals calculation details
Calculation rule : the virtual property is the last value of the period minus the first value of the period.
The virtual properties (consumption) have their timestamp at the beginning of the period as follows :
Hourly : example
Interval | Example | Consumption |
Beginning of the period = HH 00:00 |
Measurement 1 : 01:10 Property = 100 Measurement 2 : 01:20 Property = 110 Measurement 3 : 01:30 Property = 115 Measurement 4 : 01:40 Property = 120 Measurement 5 : 02:15 Property = 130 Measurement 6 : 02:25 Property = 140 Measurement 7 : 02:35 Property = 150 Measurement 8 : 02:40 Property = 155 Measurement 9 : 02:45 Property = 170 |
PERIOD 1 (120–100)= 20
PERIOD 2 (170-130)= 40 |
Daily : example
Interval | Example | Consumption |
DAILY Beginning of the period = Day 00:00:00 |
Measurement 1 : 18/09/2023 01:00:00 Property = 100 Measurement 2 : 18/09/2023 05:00:00 Property = 110 Measurement 3 : 18/09/2023 12:00:00 Property = 115 Measurement 4 : 18/09/2023 18:00:00 Property = 125 Measurement 5 : 19/09/2023 04:00:00 Property = 130 Measurement 6 : 19/09/2023 08:15:00 Property = 140 Measurement 7 : 19/09/2023 12:42:00 Property = 160 Measurement 8 : 19/09/2023 17:11:00 Property = 170 Measurement 9 : 19/09/2023 20:20:00 Property = 180 |
PERIOD 1 (125–100)= 25
PERIOD 2 (180-130)= 50 |
Weekly : example
Interval | Example | Consumption |
WEEKLY Beginning of the period = Monday's 00:00:00 |
Measurement 1 : Monday 18/09/2023 20:00:00 Property = 100 Measurement 2 : Tueday 19/09/2023 22:00:00 Property = 110 Measurement 3 : Wednesday 20/09/2023 12:00:00 Property = 115 Measurement 4 : Saturday 23/09/2023 18:00:00 Property = 130 Measurement 5 : Monday 25/09/2023 04:00:00 Property = 150 Measurement 6 : Tueday 26/09/2023 08:15:00 Property = 151 Measurement 7 : Wednesday 27/09/2023 12:42:00 Property = 153 Measurement 8 : Thursday 28/09/2023 17:11:00 Property = 155 Measurement 9 : Friday 29/09/2023 20:20:00 Property = 160 |
PERIOD 1 (130–100)= 30
PERIOD 2 (160-150)= 10 |
Monthly : example
Interval | Example | Consumption |
MONTHLY Beginning of the period = First day of the month |
Measurement 1 : 08/09/2023 20:00:00 Property = 100 Measurement 2 : 13/09/2023 22:00:00 Property = 110 Measurement 3 : 19/09/2023 12:00:00 Property = 115 Measurement 4 : 23/09/2023 18:00:00 Property = 140 Measurement 5 : 06/10/2023 04:00:00 Property = 160 Measurement 6 : 11/10/2023 08:15:00 Property = 170 Measurement 7 : 15/10/2023 12:42:00 Property = 185 Measurement 8 : 20/10/2023 17:11:00 Property = 200 Measurement 9 : 25/10/2023 20:20:00 Property = 210 |
PERIOD1 (140–100)= 40
PERIOD2 (210-160)= 50 |
Virtual properties : Data Analysis
The virtual properties are available in the live data tab as well as all the standard properties. They appear in the list in a special group (Virtual properties) like a new equipment.
They also can be displayed in graphs.
Virtual properties :
- can be exported and are available in the archive requests
- can be used to create alarm
- are available in the API and by extension in the data streams
Please contact us if you need any additional information : Wattsense Support
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