This article is about the requirements to connect a KNX equipement to the Tower/Bridge.
In order to connect a Tower/Bridge to a KNX equipment you'll need to :
- Add the Tower/Bridge correctly in the KNX network
- Collect the required equipment information in order to read data.
Tower/Bridge network configuration :
To correctly add the Tower/Bridge in the KNX LTE network you'll have to assign a free and unique individual address and internal address (required by wattsense software design) :
Ex: 0.2.15 and 0.2.16
Architecture example:
Equipment Configuration
1. Select an equipment in our database. If it's not available, please contact us:
2. In this case, the individual address would be either : 0.2.2 / 0.2.3 / 0.2.4
3. Click on next to configure the addresses
Property requirements :
You'll be able to use our configuration wizard to generate all the properties we are currently supporting.
The properties will be available after adding an equipment.
1. Select the properties you want to monitor
If you have any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us: Wattsense Support
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